Online Sentence Counter - Count Sentences Instantly

Free online sentence counter to count sentences, lines, paragraphs and words in any text.


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Keywords Density:

Online Sentence Counter Tool

Are you in need of a reliable online tool to count the number of sentences in your text? Look no further! Our sentence counter tool helps you effortlessly track the number of sentences in your content. Not only does our sentence counter tool provide you with the number of sentences in your text, but it also offers valuable insights into the sentence length and structure of your text. By analysing the sentence count you get other metrics such as word count and character count within you text. Simply paste you content in above text box and it'll tell you instantly how many sentences are in your text.

Improve writing with word count, character and paragraph count

Elevate your writing proficiency with our comprehensive Word Counter, character counter and space counter tool. Seamlessly track word, character, and paragraph counts to refine your compositions. Whether crafting articles, academic papers, or emails, our user-friendly platform empowers users to analyse text length and structure efficiently. Enhance your writing today and unlock the potential of your ideas!

How to use & find sentence count

Using this counter is very easy whether you are a professional writer or a student. You easily find how many sentences there are in your content. 

  1. type or copy and paste your text in above input field.
  2. It will automatically start counting number of words, sentences, paragraph in your text.

More helpful tools for writers and SEO experts

Line Counter:

While line counting may seem trivial, it can be a valuable tool in various scenarios. Think of a programmer debugging code, a poet perfecting rhyme, or a lawyer assessing the length of a contract. Line Counter provides a simple and user-friendly way to count lines. Count your lines with our LIne Counter tool.

Word Counter:

Accurate word counting is essential for academic projects, SEO, or writing clarity. Words form the basis of all written communication. You can easily and precisely count words in your text using Word Counter.

Character Counter:

The Character Counter tool is a quick and easy-to-use web tool that reveals the number of characters in your text. Whether it's an essay, tweet, blog post, or email, it helps assess text length and readability. Simply paste your text and click "Character Counter" to see the results.

Paragraph Counter:

Paragraphs are the organizational elements of your text. By keeping track of them, you can control the flow and structure of your document. Easily count paragraphs with Paragraph Counter, ensuring well-structured content.

Text Case Converter

Now let's explore robust text case modification tools. Text case manipulation can significantly alter the appearance and readability of your text, making it useful for many applications. Lowercase text ensures consistency and readability. With a single click, you can achieve this using Lowercase Text, improving content consistency. Using capital letters can emphasize a point or convey a sense of urgency. Easily convert to uppercase using Upper Case Text. Try our Change Text Case tool now.

Capitalize Case:

Capitalizing text lends professionalism when utmost formality is required. The capitalize case tool on Capitalizecase Text capitalizes the initial letter of each word, ensuring well-written and professional text suitable for business papers and reports. Try our Uppercase to Lowercase tool now.

Sentence Case:

Sentence case strikes a balance between formality and readability. Each sentence's initial letter is capitalized, with the rest in lowercase. Ideal for information that needs to appear professional yet easy to read, Sentence Case Text is the solution.

Alternative Case:

The alternative case option on Alternative Case Text adds a stylistic format to your text, distinguishing it from others. Use this tool to inject some originality and creativity into your material.

Remove Words from Text

The writing process involves editing, a crucial step to make the text more concise and clear. You can achieve this by using the "Remove Words from Text" option, an effective tool for perfecting your content. You can use our Remove Words from Text tool for this

Keywords Density Checker:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for online content. Using keywords strategically improves search engine rankings. This tool includes a function to show the frequency of specific terms in your content, helping you optimize your content for better online visibility. Try our Keywords Density Checker

Why Use This Tool?

Simple Interface:

The user interface is intuitive, making navigation easy for all users. You don't need to be an expert to utilize this tool; it's designed for everyone.

Free and Fast:

This tool is free to use and doesn't require registration. It's quick, easy, and clean. Simply type in the words you want to analyze, and the results will appear instantly.


Use this tool on your mobile device wherever you are. Its mobile device optimization allows you to utilize language transformation whenever and wherever you choose.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's address some common questions about this tool:

Is This Free to Use?

Yes, this tool is completely free to use. It's available online at no cost.

Can I Use It on My Mobile Device?

Absolutely! You can easily use this tool on your phone or tablet as it's mobile-friendly.

Are There Any Limits to the Length of Text I Can Analyze?

You can input text of varying lengths as it handles both short phrases and lengthy passages.